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My Generation
 My Generation 6/10
4 years, 10 months ago
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1.3.2020, YLE Areena Noin ensimmÀisen tunnin ajan, kun Ramones on vain elokuvan hahmoja motivoiva ja liikuttava taustavoima, pidin tÀtÀ melko hellyyttÀvÀnÀ ja sympaattisena teinifilminÀ ajalta, jolloin keskivertonuorisokin vielÀ ymmÀrsi hyvÀn musiikin pÀÀlle, mutta sitten kun bÀndi alkaa saada vuorosanoja ja vaikuttaa konkreettisesti elokuvan juoneen, kaikki luhistuu kasaan. Luultavasti tÀmÀ johtuu siitÀ, ettÀ silloin kun Ramones on vain tavoittamaton entiteetti, erÀÀnlainen elokuvan sisÀisen todellisuuden nÀkymÀtön, mutta ÀÀnekÀs moottori, rock & rollin etÀinen, mutta yhtaikaisesti lÀsnÀoleva edustaja, on kaikki ihan hyvin, mutta heti kun jÀtkÀt alkavat puhua ja sekoittua osaksi tÀtÀ totaalisen naiivia ja Àlyvapaata teinifantasiaa, tÀmÀ edellÀmainittu moottori Àkkiarvaamatta köhii, sammuu, ja lakkaa olemasta, ja naiivius ja Àlyvapaus hyppÀÀvÀt silmÀnrÀpÀyksessÀ aivan toiseen ulottuvuuteen, ja tÀmÀ ulottuvuus on sellainen, jota ihmisen on syytÀ vÀlttÀÀ. Mutta musa on hyvÀÀ, tytöt kauniita, jÀttilÀishiiren boogie on kohdillaan, ja aloituskohtaus on mainio.
4 years, 10 months ago
4 years, 10 months ago
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4 years, 10 months ago
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Billion Dollar Brain
27.2.2020, YLE Areena ErittĂ€in tĂ€yteenahdettu ja epĂ€mÀÀrĂ€inen agenttisekoilu. TekijĂ€t ovat halunneet sisĂ€llyttÀÀ teokseensa noin joka ikisen agenttielokuvan konvention ja kliseen, mikĂ€ tekee kokonaisuudesta jokseenkin ylensyöneen ja tukehduttavan. Punainen lanka heittelehtii siellĂ€ & tÀÀllĂ€ & tuolla & vĂ€hĂ€n missĂ€ milloinkin sattuu, mutta ei kuitenkaan tarpeeksi Ă€lyvapaasti ja luovasti, vaan pikemminkin hieman vĂ€kinĂ€isesti ja vaivaannuttavasti. Kaikesta tĂ€stĂ€ huolimatta ainakin tĂ€mĂ€n katsojan kiinnostus pysyi yllĂ€ ihan kohtalaisen hyvin elokuvan melko inhimillisen keston ajan, ja 60-lukulaista HelsinkiĂ€ brittijĂ€nnĂ€rikontekstista kĂ€sin nyt tarkastelee tietenkin mielenkiinnolla. Hieno, jĂ€inen ja luminen talvi niillĂ€ siellĂ€ kyllĂ€ on. Erikoista on myös se, kuinka Harry Palmerin hahmon tilalla voisi olla melkein kuka tahansa peruskuntoinen ja -skarppi henkilö, koska juonen kulku riippuu kovin vĂ€hĂ€n hĂ€nen aktiivisesta toiminnastaan ja ongelmanratkaisukyvystÀÀn, vaan Palmer lĂ€hinnĂ€ roikkuu mukana tapahtumissa ja on muiden toimijoiden heiteltĂ€vĂ€nĂ€ paikasta ja tilanteesta toiseen. Lopussa on muuten huvittavaa, kuinka Michael Caine on mitĂ€ ilmeisimmin kasuaalisti vĂ€hĂ€n torkkunut joitakin tunteja ItĂ€meren jÀÀllĂ€ melko ohuen nĂ€köisessĂ€ takissa ja ilman lakkia, ja nousee tĂ€stĂ€ ylös aivan hyvinvoivan nĂ€köisenĂ€, eikĂ€ ole esimerkiksi JÄINEN ELOTON RUUMIS.
4 years, 10 months ago
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Psychedelic: Optical and Visionary Art since the 1960s (The MIT Press)
A surprisingly boring selection of artworks that can be classified as more or less psychedelic, depending on how one defines the term. There are a few gems included for sure, such as the three oils by Alex Gray, Isaac Abrams and Robert Williams, but the rest of the presented pieces are really quite unimpressive, and occasionally even somewhat annoying. And the pictures are too small. One of the three introductory essays, i.e. the one by Daniel Pinchbeck is, however, wonderful – perhaps because it doesn't have anything to do with this particular book/exhibition, but is rather an excellent general meditation about the psychedelic culture in the archaic and contemporary world.
4 years, 10 months ago
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Billion Dollar Brain

have watched


Psychedelic: Optical and Visionary Art since the 1960s (The MIT Press)


4 years, 10 months ago
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Tibetan Shamanism: Ecstasy and Healing
An academically solid study of the shamanistic practices of a handful of Tibetan shamans active in a Tibetan refugee camp in Nepal. Also included is a highly interesting and informative chapter about the yeti mythology in the Himalayan area. Although Peters has put an impressive amount of focus on the different ways Buddhism has influenced indigenous Tibetan shamanism, or Bön, during the last millennia or so, I would have liked to read more historical and general information of what we know about the indigenous spiritual practices of Tibet – now the focus is only on these few particular contemporary shamans and their practice. This is of course also a most valid approach to an academically tricky-ish subject such as this, and Peters does his research very well, but if the title of the book is Tibetan shamanism, I would have liked it to include at least one complete chapter about the history and philosophy of Bön in general – or what we know about it, which is not very much, the historical sources being as sparse as they are, but still a general summary would have fitted there quite well, I think.
4 years, 10 months ago
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4 years, 10 months ago
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Tibetan Shamanism: Ecstasy and Healing



Soothing Sounds for Baby: Vol. 1

4 years, 10 months ago
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4 years, 11 months ago
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4 years, 11 months ago
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16.2.2020, YLE Areena ViehÀttÀvÀllÀ musiikilla taustoitettu road-leffa on kovin epÀtasainen ja rönsyilevÀ, mutta harmiton ja parhaimmillaan ihan hauska. Lopputuloksesta paistaa lÀpi alkuperÀisen idean suhteellinen potentiaali, joka on kuitenkin toteutusvaiheessa osittain vaporisoitunut olemattomiin hieman amatöörimÀiseltÀ vaikuttavan toteutuksen tÀhden. Carmen Mikiveria on ilo katsoa.
4 years, 11 months ago
 Hysteria 5/10
4 years, 11 months ago
4 years, 11 months ago
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4 years, 11 months ago
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Blow Out (1981)
14.2.2020, YLE Areena Siis vittu huh huh!! Esimerkillisen tyylikÀs ja hallittu pulp-trilleri. Travolta on elÀmÀnsÀ vedossa.
4 years, 11 months ago
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The Cranes Are Flying
13.2.2020, YLE Areena Katsoin tÀmÀn kymmenisen vuotta sitten, mutta muistikuvat olivat kohtalaisen olemattomat, ja Areena tarjosi nyt ystÀvÀllisesti mahdollisuuden uusintakatselulle. Kuvauksellisesti ja valaistuksellisesti tÀÀ on kyllÀ ihan heittÀmÀllÀ maailman kauneimpien elokuvien joukossa, joita on toki jokunen, mutta tÀÀ on ehdottomasti yks niistÀ. Todella luovat leikkaukset muuan hahmon kuolinkohtauksessa ja Veronikan juostessa kohti junaraidetta ovat myös hatunnoston arvoisia suorituksia. Tatjana Samoilova on hÀikÀisevÀn kaunis ja luonteva, ja tekee aivan erinomaisen roolisuorituksen. Neukkuleffalle poikkeuksellisen pasifistinen sanoma onnistutaan tuomaan ilmi tavalla, joka ei oo liian katsojaansa vasaroiva. Kohtaus, jossa Mark soittaa pianoa vittu tÀysillÀ pommien rÀiskyessÀ kadulla jÀi mieleen erityisen voimakkaana.
4 years, 11 months ago
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Leffalista 2020 (50 movies items)
4 years, 11 months ago
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Dogman (2018)
12.2.2020, YLE Areena Tempo on aika rauhallinen. Tarina tarpeeksi kiinnostava. Valaistuksesta ja vÀreistÀ en niin perustanut. LapsinÀyttelijÀ on hyvÀ. Marcellon toiminnan motiivit on kyllÀ vÀlillÀ jokseenkin kÀsittÀmÀttömiÀ, minkÀ ihmeen takia se on niin usein tuon jÀÀtÀvÀn mulkun puolella, josta on sille pelkkÀÀ haittaa, joka ilmeisesti ei oo sen lapsuudenystÀvÀ tms. vaan ainoastaan asiakas, ja josta sillÀ ois useampaan otteeseen mahdollisuus pÀÀstÀ melko vaivatta eroon?
4 years, 11 months ago
4 years, 11 months ago
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4 years, 11 months ago
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A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
I read it originally as a teenager, and because I'm finally going to take up Ulysses – it's waiting there on my shelf! – I decided to read the works written by Joyce before Ulysses chronologically in order to tune myself in. Actually I started this process already a few years ago with Stephen Hero, but I'm finally getting close! And well, Exiles I actually read very un-chronologically a year or two back, and I probably won't be able to get my hands on Giacomo Joyce before Ulysses, but whatever, I still consider myself being approximately close enough to the original intention. This is a finely constructed piece of writing, with impressive attention given to the stylistic changes during the course of the narrative. The differences to Stephen Hero are also interesting to notice, i.e. how the earlier book was still relatively conservative in it's style, but when reading the Portrait you kind of get the feeling that during these years in between the two books, Joyce, or Dedalus, has grown, or perhaps rather constructed, a pair of wings, and is trying them out to see how they work and will they fly. When reading the Portrait, I also, once again, thought about the philosophical dimensions in the core of Catholicism, or rather, the lack of, if we define philosophy as love of wisdom. Because that particular religion is meant for controlling masses of people by scaring them shitless and to the verge of a heart-attack with imagery of Hell, of eternal damnation and pain and doom, and then when the people, who have no alternative source of information because all the persons who try to offer other viewpoints and worldviews have been silenced by, for example, burning them alive, are offered the only solution out of this all-encompassing misery, which is to do exactly what the Church says. And at the same time, it doesn't really matter a flying fuck if you kill people, rape babies or so on, as long as you believe the doctrine of the Church, and show remorse for what you have done... which technically means that you can still do all those things again, as long as you believe in the Church, and perhaps say a few Ave Marias every now and then or so. Generally and theoretically speaking, of course. Additionally, Church also has no fucking clue of the two essential dimensions of the universe that make up the whole – the uni-verse – which, of course, are light and darkness, day and night, earth and sky, male and feminine etc. Most, or at least a very considerable part of the religions of the world outside the Abrahamic tradition understand this, but the three major religions from the Middle East are doing all they can to focus only on the other side, and completely suppress the other. Although I would like to point out, that confession is potentially an excellent tradition which could be used for the benefit of people, but unfortunately the stuff that Church is interested in that context is mostly the kind of things that nobody should feel a divine repentance of, such as having sex for pleasure and/or outside marriage, or thinking of such things. And, unfortunately, if a person goes to confess something that is worth confessing, he or she is basically told to just mumble some of the Church's favorite pieces of lyric and that's about it, instead of actually discussing about the issue and thinking of the best practical way to solve it. But generally, a place where you can go and tell anything to a living human person and be one hundred percent certain that what you say never leaves that small wooden box, is an excellent thing, if it would just be utilized to its full potential.
4 years, 11 months ago
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Rakastunut rampa
11.2.2020, YLE Areena KaurismÀkeÀ, Jarvaa ja muutamaa yksittÀistÀ poikkeusta lukuunottamatta mun suhtautuminen suomalaiseen cinemaan on yleisesti ottaen melko skeptistÀ. Siksi on aina mukava törmÀtÀ kotimaiseen filmiin, jota katsoo ihan mielellÀÀn! Erityisesti keho-mieli-kokonaisuudessani jytiseviin lievÀhköihin, mutta selkeÀsti aistittaviin nouseviin kuumehöyryihin tÀmÀ sopi hidastempoisuudessaan oikein mainiosti. MistÀÀn mestariteoksesta tÀssÀ ei kyllÀ silti oo mun kirjoissa kyse, lÀhinnÀ siksi, ettÀ kahden pÀÀhenkilön hahmot ja heidÀn vÀlinen vuorovaikutuksensa eivÀt vain yksinkertaisesti ole kÀsikirjoituksellisesti tarpeeksi vahvaa tavaraa, vaikka Loiri ja Uotila nÀitÀ selkeÀsti antaumuksella tulkitsevatkin. TÀllaisessa elokuvassa moinen aspekti on aivan ensiarvoisen keskeinen, koska koko filmi on rakennettu puhtaasti nÀiden kahden hahmon varaan. Onneksi pituutta ei kuitenkaan ole tuntia ja varttia enempÀÀ, joten katsomiskokemus pysyy miellyttÀvÀnÀ. TÀtÀ edesauttaa myös se, ettÀ kuvaus, lavastus, metsÀmaisemat ja yleinen boogie ovat hyvinkin kohdillansa.
4 years, 11 months ago
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4 years, 11 months ago
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4 years, 11 months ago
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Book Diary 2020 (112 books items)
4 years, 11 months ago
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For a long time Ferlinghetti was for me, as I guess for many others too when compared to the popularity of his literary fellows, simply the dude who published all the other beats, and whom I knew to be a writer too, but I had never come across any of his works and was hence uninformed of his personal merits... until last year I think it was, or the year before, when I found These Are My Rivers from my local library, and fell totally in love with it & him! I mean, I would dare to say that he is one of my most favouritestest of poets of everness of time, because the way how he manages to find the true or sometimes pleasantly false words and organize them into sentences or half sentences or just to a few cleverly compressed verbal paintings and with their help distill to paper these impressive and touching and clever observations about this so called reality we find ourselves in, and how he combines these beautiful, extremely beautiful passages with dreamy, surreal, subconscious and interconscious and metaconscious or whatever moments of realization that occasionally ascend to pure lyrical ecstasis, well, it is quite astonishing, to say the least! He's by the way still up & going, about to turn 101 years old next month. An interesting life he has had, I would imagine! Now this book I recently ordered and actually managed to get my hands on it, unlike several other highly compelling books that the Italian post office seems to be rather unwilling to deliver to me, because it has been ages since I placed the orders. But this was one of the most fascinating ones, so I will not start a revolution... yet, at least. And well, firstly, it is very, very, very deep & rapid stream, or rather a series of streams of a consciousness that is running randomly around to all the directions you can imagine, and also the ones you cannot, in a beautiful alpine valley, but without seeming to follow any kind of logic... except that of lyrical beauty, and perhaps of some kind of very peculiar kind of logic of its own, that is formed and emerges from the deep hidden underwater lake that all of these streams appear to have their common source in. This lake may have something to do with a woman and with the transcendental love that one can find and merge in with through the love of a woman and the act of making, of creating love with her, but which can be very tricky to achieve, because of the very typical habit of the human mind – especially of the male mind, I might add – of forgetting this dimension of love that can be found in the feeling of togetherness with the feminine, and of instead focusing on the pussy. The book is, in fact, so near to being incomprehensible, that I had to read it aloud in order to understand it, but this, I think, actually helped a lot, and made it much easier to decipher it and figure out what's going on. This was also a very excellent way of reading Her, because the language of Ferlinghetti is extremely beautiful, like a continuous free flowing bebop jazz song of subconsciousness, but it only truly flowers full power when the words, that is to say the FLOW is pronounced out loud. Reading it aloud can also create extremely entertaining moments with your fellow citizens, especially if you decide to do it on public places with the company of yourself. Which I would definitely recommend you to do!
4 years, 11 months ago
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These Are My Rivers: New & Selected Poems, 1955-1993


4 years, 11 months ago